Dumps Official provides authentic exam prepration material for IT certification exam especially exam questions and answers. We have made our efforts to create outstanding products and provide the best quality material for the exam preparation. The source of all these questions and answers if highly authentic and industry leaders. There are lots of other organizations that offer exam preparation but they do not pay attention to the quality and updates. They have a lot of questions and some of these questions are out dated and worthless. These type of materials often take a lot of time and they do not ensure the success of candidate. The candidate cannot prepare well with too many questions. But Dumps Official provides the latest and up to dated exam material so that the clients do not find it difficult to prepare for the exam timely. Our product is mainly past papers, that are regularly updated by our vendors.

About Our Product

Our product is mainly past papers, that are regularly updated by our vendors.

At Dumps Official the success of the candidate is ensured in the very first attempt.

You can check the list of the certification exams for which we offer actual questions and answers. Free demo is also available for any product you want. Special discounts are always available on popular certification exams.

For any query or issues you can contact us anytime. We provide 24 hours customer support. You can also visit our FAQs and Contact Us pages.


We provide past papers including latest exam questions in PDF format and practice test format. We call our products “Dumps, Practice Exam, Exam Questions, Real Exams, Actual Exam” and some other names to make sure our website and products reach to all customers who are our target audiance. It is beneficial for the customer as it is easy to download on any device such as mobile phones, tabs, Mac and windows PCs and laptops. This will help the user to prepare anywhere anytime specially those who have a short time to prepare for exam.


At Dumps Official we strive to provide the best and up to dated exam material to the user. The costumer’s satisfaction is our priority and we want to do a fair business with our clients. For this, all the material we provide is best to its quality according to our best efforts, latest and up to date. We prefer authenticity of the material and consistently improving our Certification exam products.


We know that in the competitive age it is very hard to survive in the marketplace. So, the only key to survive here is the “Excellent Customer Care”. That’s why many candidates have been certified and by using our exam material. We have more than 22,000 satisfied users. We satisfied our clients by our policies. We offer more than 1500 updated exam questions and answers in PDF that can be downloaded on any device. We also offer free demo to check the quality of our exam dumps. We also provide money back guarantee as favorable feature, in case, if the student fails despite preparing with our products. So the payment of user is not a waste and the success of user is guaranteed.